A Clown's Code of Ethics
- I have been accepted as a member of Coastal Caring Clowns Inc. (CCC Inc) to provide others with clean clown comedy entertainment of a G Rated nature and give respect whilst performing. When visiting hospitals, nursing homes or similar places I will follow the guidelines set down by CCC Inc.
- I will abide by the by-laws as amended from time to time. When visiting hospitals, nursing homes or similar places I will follow the guidelines set down by CCC Inc.
- When working with CCC Inc. I will perform for the benefit of others not for personal gain or personal publicity. I will try to remain anonymous while in costume and make-up, though occasional circumstances may not make this possible.
- I will not drink any alcoholic beverages prior to or during any clowning appearances while in costume and make-up. I will conduct myself reasonably at all times, not interfering with other acts, events, spectators or individuals. I will not become involved in or tolerate any harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability.
- I will learn to apply my make-up, provide my own costume, and conduct my clowning activities to a standard acceptable by the committee.
- While appearing in costume and make-up I will carry out the directives of the senior or lead clown for that event and will abide by all performance rules without public complaint. I will participate in a debrief after each activity and report any problems.
- I will participate regularly in CCC events and attend as many monthly meetings as possible. I will advise the Activities Officer of any prolonged temporary changes to my circumstances that may obstruct the smooth running of event planning.
- I will commit to upholding the good name of Coastal Caring Clowns at all times, to share ideas and to continue learning about the art of clowning.
CCC Committee, July 2009